Do you have a personal growth plan?

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Do you have a personal growth plan?
Here's the most powerful platform you probably do not use effectively.
Part 2 of 5. Content is king.
Part 1 of 5
Effective change comes in small packages.
Why "why" is a powerful tool for leaders.
Be aware that your team may not be willing to learn today.
Leaders need help to know what they don't know.
Here's when good enough is all that's needed.
Meet this merchant of hope.
Do it now or pause to consider?
Millennial followers don't care about your title.
Success can be a breeding ground for failure.
And don't expect a plow horse to speed up, either.
Blind spots can be detrimental to your leadership.
If the glass is half empty, here's how to fill it up.
5 types of input are needed for better decision making.
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