How authority should flow isn't the issue.

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How authority should flow isn't the issue.
When they won't do what you asked them to do.
Our roots determine our outcome.
Here's one thing we must DO in every meeting.
How do we get staff members to do what is needed?
Our words tell a story about how we see ourselves.
Recognition is a powerful motivator to reinforce behavior.
Repetition is a master teacher.
Effective leaders provide good course direction and correction.
Mistakes decrease as training increases.
Observable behavior is the greatest teacher.
Cleaning leads to learning.
Seek peace in transition.
Leaders lead the leaving with grace.
It takes a great deal of practice to hone your craft in most anything you do. That goes for leadership skills too.
Influence is borderless
Lead a big idea today.
Set the bar high.
Discover the value of a daily time tithe.
Effective leaders know that less is more.
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