Leaders who try to please men are soon disqualified.

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Leaders who try to please men are soon disqualified.
Do you pray before leading a team meeting?
Don't let it build up for a blow-up.
Servant leaders tend to appear more open and transparent because the leader's focus is on serving others rather than self.
When talking behind the back of others, shouldn't we make sure we're saying positive things?
We can change the marketplace by making disciples.
Spiritual leaders die to self.
Leaders walk a fine line in building trust.
Dependence on God is the foundation of leadership.
Consider writing your personal "To-Don't" list.
Find favor as you consistently communicate your core message.
God gives leaders gifts for service.
Here's how to deal with the fiery dart of self-doubt.
Selecting future leaders is an important responsibility of a leader.
Followers must buy in to a leader.
Here are five points to consider about your leadership style.
Leaders who pray act better.
The first meeting of a leader should be calculated.
Leaders do this and leaders do that. The description of what leaders do is the focus of most books, blogs and biographies about the development of a leader.
Do you have a quick retrieval system?
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