Drive out the mockers.

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Drive out the mockers.
Use what you've been given to impact the kingdom.
Does the presence of the Holy Spirit make a difference in your organization?
The heart of a leader shows in how they react with children.
Jesus focused on personal relationships.
Many people went on as if nothing had changed.
The goal of leadership is to leave people better than we find them.
It took over 40 years for the opportunity to say thank you.
We learn from mistakes that trying again may not be God's will.
Inner peace comes from knowing who hides you.
Church leaders have a critical role in the establishment of the kingdom of God in the marketplace.
Here's why double-minded leaders are ineffective.
Speak life into a struggling church.
Complacency is an observable sign of a disconnect.
Leaders must be willing to hear "no" and obey.
Sometimes it's better to let it remain broken.
Roaring lions seek only to devour.
Thunder and lightning surround decision makers.
Brown Church Development Group interview
The voice of one is better than the voice of many.
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