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Marketing Your Church Without Diluting Your Message
The Harvest Machine
Afflicting the Comfortable
Extreme Christianity
Opportunity Knocks
West, Meet East
Help! My Church Won't Grow
His Presence: The Key to Church Growth
Fear Not
The Church in Cyberspace
Feeding His Sheep
The Significance of Serving
According to one study, people are running out the back doors of churches in the United States at a rate of 52,000 per week. This alarming trend could be reversed if the body of Christ discovered the true meaning of hospitality.
There are few subjects of a more practical or potent nature for the end-time church or for the healing of America than that of hospitality. Here are the seeds that will revolutionize your life as a servant to God's people. Here lies one of the greatest secrets of church growth and a divine prescription for racial healing. Here is preparation for the end-time church, practically translating agape love.
Regaining a Passion to Win the Lost
City Harvest Church in Singapore started with just a handful of people. Today this congregation is one of the largest in Southeast Asia and a model for effective evangelism.
Break Down the Walls
We all want unity. But are we willing to lay down our own agendas to see it happen?
The Catalyst for Revival
Prayer Transforms a City
How churches and pastors praying together can unite a city for Christ