Some of these are already a reality.
Stop Asking If Your Service 'Got It Right'—And Start Asking This

Discover three better ways to gauge church service success.
Discover three better ways to gauge church service success.
Some of these are already a reality.
The problem with programs is not the programs themselves. It's this.
Editor’s Note: This is the third and final in a series of articles by Assemblies of God Pastor Kim Martinez on church health. Part 1 Part 2
Jeffrey squishes his car into a parking spot, grabs his bible and heads for the church.
He is on his Sunday-best behavior. He dropped his wife and kids off at the door before parking on the back 40 and slogging through the slush to get into the sanctuary. As he enters the church, his brain starts to switch off. He has walked into the presentation zone. Jeffrey wants to engage in church, and he works hard at it, but every Sunday, he fights a simple problem—his mind tries to turn off when he enters the building. He hasn’t figured out the cause, but perhaps with a bit of thought, we can change the environment so that he finds himself energized and focused instead.
Barrel racin', bull ridin', boots 'n' hats ... in Jesus' name (with a twang).
Gary Morgan is an iconic cowboy. Tall and lean, clad in jeans, a Western shirt and boots, his look embodies the Code of the West—justice, fairness, honesty. Morgan leads the 1,500-member Cowboy Church of Ellis County in Waxahachie, Texas, the largest such congregation in the world.
Nearly everything about the church has a cowboy connection. "We have something going on pretty near every night," Morgan says with a typical Texas twang. Other churches might build a gymnasium to draw young parishioners; not Cowboy Church. They built a riding arena instead that's open and available for riding after Sunday services. Barrel racing is held Tuesday evening, and team roping practice on Wednesday evening.
If your church were stripped down to its core, what would be left?
Revving up the gospel ... on Harleys
How one congregation improvises with music, but not the message
The how and why to ministry blogging