Do you ever hear kids laughing when you are taking them through your lesson, service, class and so on?
Laughter is a big, important element in a lesson for kids. When kids laugh, they are engaged. When kids laugh, they are enjoying your class. When kids laugh, you are holding their attention.
In Psalm 122:1, David said, "I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go into the house of the Lord."
Notice: He didn't say "sad." He said "glad." Church should be a happy, fun place for kids to be. Yes, there should be a segment in each lesson where kids enter a time of reflective worship and prayer. The key is balancing the two elements. Don't have an entire class where the kids must sit still and quiet. And don't have an entire class where kids just laugh and never get serious. It takes both. And when this happens, kids will love the lesson and experience spiritual growth.
If you want to see kids laugh, then use some of the ways below. Write them into your lessons.
Making animal noises. Example: You are talking about the animals coming onto the ark. You mention an animal that came on board such as a cow. When you say "cow," you make a loud mooing noise. Then ask the kids to turn to their neighbor and make a cow sound.
Using silly voices. Example: You are talking about David and Goliath. Make a loud, over-the-top, obnoxious sound for Goliath. Then have the kids make up and share their "Goliath voice."
Sudden opera-style outbursts. Example: You are reading the key verse for the lesson. Pick a few select words you want to emphasize and suddenly sing them out in a loud, exaggerated voice. Then have the kids say the verse and emphasize some of the words in a loud opera-style tone.
Make up nonsense words or phrases. Insert these words into your lesson. Example: When Moses was leading the children of Israel through the Red Sea, the Israelites saw the famous, Gugendu-cray, scaly, big mouthed, hornbill-cross-eyed, crooked-finned, see-saw fish. Then go back and correct yourself and ask the kids the names of some fish they know about.
Making deliberate mistakes. Example: Jesus did a miracle and fed the 5,000 with five pizzas and two small turkeys. As the kids are laughing, have them share the correct answer to your mistake.
The next time you teach a class, try some of these and make a mental note about how many laughs you got out of the kids.
When kids laugh, you know they are having fun. And when kids enjoy your class, they will come back.
Your turn. How do you make kids laugh in your lesson or service? Share your ideas with every one in the comment section below.
Dale Hudson has been in children's ministry for over 27 years. He is the director of children's ministry at Christ Fellowship Church in South Florida. Christ Fellowship has nine campuses and ministers to over 25,000 people on weekends. Dale leads a children's ministry staff team of over 70 and a volunteer team of over 2,600. He has authored 100 Best Ideas to Turbocharge Your Children's Ministry, 100 Best Ideas to Turbocharge Your Preschool Ministry, Children's Ministry in the 21st Century, Sunday School That Works, the churchleaders.com Top 100 book, and If Disney Ran Your Children's Ministry. You can find more of his helpful resources at relevantchildrensministry.com or buildingchildrensministry.com.
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