I am a woman—with all of the unique attributes, inherent strengths and numerous foibles that are attached to a human being of my glorious gender. I am a significant woman. And yet, at times, I still find myself wondering who I really am. I wonder if I will ever be "enough." I wonder if my efforts at contributing to this world are actually making a difference. I wonder if I can handle the constant and enormous stress that relentlessly engulfs me. I wonder if my feelings matter to anyone other than myself. I wonder ...
However, as a woman of faith, I must emphatically recognize the fact that my Creator designed me with specific abilities and purposes, and He planned these unique and recognizable attributes for me in His mind and heart in eternity past. I am certainly not perfect—but I am perfectly made by Him. I know that I am not flawless—but the one who created Me makes no mistakes.
Allow me to affirm this truth for you: You were made on purpose, for purpose and with purpose. Your life matters to the plans of God at your moment in history. You are the only person just like you whom God has ever created in all of eternity past or will create in all of eternity future. No one else has exactly your genetic makeup, your fingerprints or the number of hairs on your head. How astounding!
In the Scriptures, we see that God used women for specific purposes and assignments. His methods have not changed, because He is a God who is consistent in His plans: "For I, the Lord, do not change" (Mal. 3:6).
I believe that God is raising up a generation of Esthers. He is not raising up just one Esther, but He is raising up an entire generation of women who have been born "for such a time as this" (Esth. 4:14). God is raising up a generation of women who know the power of fasting, who are not intimidated by the compromise of the culture and who are willing to stand against demonic spirits. God is raising up a generation of women who are determined to live boldly and courageously on the battlefield of life. What will your role be? Because you will, indeed, play a role in the plan of God during your lifespan. Will you cower, or will you care? Will you be afraid, or will you be a force to be reckoned with? Will you truly live, or will you merely die? It's time for the women of God to go to "war." It's time.
I know there is not one merely common person reading these words today. Inside of you lies a seed of the greatness of God. It is up to you—as an uncommon gift to this world—to fertilize your great seed, which may currently be lying dormant, with big dreams and both short-term and long-term goals. It is up to you to pull up the weeds that surround your seed of greatness. Extract ordinariness and compromise from your one-of-a-kind life. Remove selfishness and small thinking before they have a chance to grow. Discover why you were born and go for it with every ounce of creativity and passion in your soul!
As your sister in faith, I want to share some very practical yet compelling words of personal encouragement. They will help you remember your calling, your purpose, your atmosphere and your Companion.
— Live each day knowing that you have been created for significance by your Creator.
— Live each day knowing that there is a significant assignment for you to accomplish.
— You don't have to live a perfect life or be a perfect person to fulfill your calling this side of heaven.
— Love those whom the Lord has placed in your pathway just for today.
— Live each day knowing that you are not alone.
— Live each day knowing that God's plan for your life is always surrounded by His absolute and undeniable peace.
The challenge is a simple one: Live in such a way that those who come after you will thank God that you lived!
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