I have friend named Carolyn who is one of the wisest people that I know. I get a rich and unmatched download of wisdom whenever I am with her. Every word she speaks is purposeful, and every thought she shares is prudent. When I am with Carolyn, I know what I will get; I will be the beneficiary of her timeless wisdom.
I have a friend named Debby who is a wonderful servant; she just knows how to make me laugh. When I am with Debby, my dishes are always done, my meals are cooked and my beds are all miraculously made. Debby just loves serving others, and, while she is making my life easier, she is also making me laugh! She finds humor in the little things in life and never misses an opportunity to raise the roof with her giggles. When I am with Debby, I know what I will get; I will be the beneficiary of a clean home, endless laughter and a bowl of yummy popcorn!
I have a friend named Susie who is quite sincerely the friendliest person and the most encouraging person I have ever met in my six decades of living. I have known Susie since junior high school, and this woman has honestly never met a stranger. Her infectious personality, her warm hugs and the sparkle in her eyes all combine to draw people to her like children run to the ice cream truck on a hot summer day. Every word that comes out of her mouth is kind, reassuring and filled with enthusiasm. When I am with Susie I know what I will get; I will be the beneficiary of uncommon friendship, heartfelt encouragement and delightful hugs!
A friend brings personality; you know precisely what to expect when you are with a certain friend.
But if you never hang around with that friend, you will forget what comes with their presence. You will be sadly missing what they bring to your life.
If I never talked to Susie on the phone or spent time with Carolyn in her lovely sunroom or invited Debby to my messy house, I would forget who they were and why I loved each one of them so dearly.
I have a friend named Jesus who is eternally the most joyful person in the history of mankind!
Psalm 5:12 (TPT) "Lord, how wonderfully you bless the righteous. Your favor wraps around each one and covers them under your canopy of kindness and joy."
Jesus brings an atmosphere of perpetual, contagious joy with Him everywhere He goes. He doesn't leave heaven without it! When you are with Jesus, you are with joy inexpressible!
"But let them all be glad, those who turn aside to hide themselves in you. May they keep shouting for joy forever! Overshadow them in your presence as they sing and rejoice. Then every lover of your name will burst forth with endless joy" (Ps. 5:11).
Jesus loves bringing His own special brand of joy to every friendship that He has. Every single one of the friends of Jesus has been introduced to His expansive and lavish joy. His joy is always more powerful than pain, more vocal than disappointment and more pervasive than discouragement. His joy will outshout your frustration with life!
The joy of Jesus trumps every human emotion you could ever experience!
You don't get joy without Jesus ... and you don't get Jesus without joy!
"Because of you, I know the path of life, as I taste the fullness of joy in your presence. At your right side I experience divine pleasures forevermore!" (Ps. 16:11).
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