Our marketplace goal is to reclaim the earthly kingdoms stolen by the devil (Matt. 4:1-10) God has made us kings and priest to reign on earth (Rev. 5:10) while Jesus sits with the Father until His enemies are made His footstool (Heb. 10:12-13).
Our ultimate goal is to transform nations for the kingdom. Our first step toward transformation is given us in Proverbs 22:29, to do our work with excellence. So how do we move from excellence to transformation? May I suggest there is a Kingdom Excellence Path with two more critical steps.
Here is the Kingdom Excellence Path.
Excellence → Access → Influence → Transformation
Our excellence in the marketplace gives us access to those in higher positions of authority. With this access, we have opportunities to influence those seven mountain leaders for the Kingdom. As we leverage this influence, we move our marketplace toward kingdom transformation.
Access is defined as the permission or ability to enter, approach or communicate to a person or thing. The Bible is filled with stories of how marketplace impacters gained access to their kings based upon their work excellence including such heroes as:
- Joseph
- Moses
- Esther
- Nehemiah
- Daniel
- and dozens more.
Sooner or later your workplace excellence will be noticed by your boss and your industry. It typically takes several years of excellent work. So be patient; your portal of access may only be days away.
Along your path to access, remember that the devil hates the thought of a Spirit-led marketplace warrior gaining access to one of his team. He will do everything he can to discourage, divert and delay your access to the right people. Remember that Daniel sought an answer to his petition, and only after 21 days of spiritual warfare did the angel finally break through to give Daniel the answer to his petition (Dan. 10:10-14). The devil did not want Daniel to have yet another level of access to the king. Once again, though, the devil was defeated.
Your access is close. Keep working in excellence.
Kingdom Action: Ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you ways the devil attempts to limit your access and what He wants you to do about it.
Influence is defined as the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion; to add value. I particularly like the "add value" definition for marketplace impacters.
Once you gain access through your excellence, you have the ear of the king to produce an effect. Marketplace leaders look for ways to add value in their sphere of influence. When you are prepared to demonstrate how to add real value in your organization and industry, the leaders will listen.
To help better understand how to leverage you influence through adding value, here are four value-added questions I coach executive teams and entrepreneurs to answer.
4 Value-Added Questions
- How does this person/group define value? (usability, functionality, scalability and so on).
- What do I /we currently offer that is perceived as value-added?
- What could I/we offer that would be perceived as value-added?
- Is my/company's time worth the additional effort and expense?
I challenge my clients to answer these four questions for each of their four high-impact groups: their colleagues, customers, constituents (vendors) and community.
Kingdom Action: Ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you revelation on how best to add value to your influence groups.
Transformation is defined as to change the outward from or inner nature of someone or something. That perfectly describes our destiny to transform nations from the inside out.
I again refer to Ed Silvoso's terrific book, Anointed for Business, for the following list of his four levels of Christians in business. Ask yourself in which level you currently live.
4 Levels of Christians in Business
- Survive to hold your ground with dignity in an undignified place.
- Apply biblical principles to have a good testimony and do your best to keep a positive outlook.
- Activate in the fullness and power of Holy Spirit: listen to and do what He says.
- Totally transform the marketplace (pp. 110-111).
My prayer for you is that through your excellence and access, you become the level 4 marketplace transformer God desires.
Kingdom Action: Ask Holy Spirit what you need to learn to become an influential marketplace transformer.
Dr. Jim Harris is an executive coach, adviser and author of 14 award-winning business books. Download his FREE "31 Power Prayers to Prosper Your Business." Connect with Dr. Jim on Facebook LinkedIn and Twitter.
This article originally appeared at drjimharris.com.
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