Where do we send demons after casting them out? When ministering in the area of deliverance, we can experience several ministries using different models of healing and sending demons to various places. I believe one of the reasons the church doesn't fully embrace the ministry of deliverance is because when we hear demons being cast out, there are so many variances that people get confused on what is the right way or what is the biblical way.
There are variances in deliverance. Most deliverances are not the same. We say in my ministry deliverance isn't a cookie-cutter ministry: No two sessions or experiences are alike. However, there are some biblical practices that should have commonality.
One of the most controversial and asked questions is, "Where do we send demons after casting them out?" As a minister who hosts deliverance training schools, I've heard the following responses:
- Cast them to the feet of Jesus.
- Command them back to the abyss.
- Send them to the dry places.
All of these are unbiblical practices. Our current churches are not embracing deliverance. If we want the church, people and ministries to embrace the ministry of deliverance, we must do biblical deliverance and follow Jesus' example in the way He cast out demons in the Bible. When we look at the biblical examples of Jesus casting out demons, we do not see that He sent them anywhere nor that He taught His disciples to send them anywhere.
One time the demons asked to go into the swine.
"All the demons pleaded with Him, asking, 'Send us to the swine, so that we may enter them.' At once, Jesus gave them leave. Then the unclean spirits came out and entered the swine. And the herd, numbering about two thousand, ran wildly down a steep hill into the sea and were drowned in the sea" (Mark 5:12-13).
However, this one example is not a model for us to command demons to go into animals or anywhere else. Jesus didn't command demons to go anywhere. The fact is, He just commanded them to come out.
Jesus issued the following commands and statements when casting demons out:
—"Go!" (Matt. 8:32b).
—Rebuked the demon (Matt. 17:18).
—"Be quiet and come out of him" (Mark 1:25).
—"Come out of the man, you unclean spirit" (Mark 5:8).
—"You mute and deaf spirit, I command you, come out of him, and enter him no more" (Mark 9:25).
—"You are loosed from your infirmity" (Luke 13:12b).
—"Unbind him, and let him go" (Luke 1:44c).
When researching these Scriptures showing the deliverance ministry of Jesus Christ, we don't find any scriptural proof leading up to these statements or after the demons released that He sent them anywhere.
Let's not get caught up in where to send them and what is the right wording. Let's simply do what Jesus commanded us to do: "Cast out demons." Release the ministry of deliverance by commanding the demon to get out in the name of Jesus. Afterwards, make sure the person is filled with the Holy Spirit. Assist them in getting active in a good church. Encourage them to get discipled by a strong mentor, join a Bible study or be active in a Spirit-filled prayer group. Help them to fill back up spiritually so all the dry and empty places, the places the demons have just vacated, are filled up with the things of God so that no demon has a right to re-enter those places. Deliverance and discipleship must go hand in hand in order to truly set the captives free. Release the ministry of deliverance as Jesus did, but let's make sure it is biblical deliverance.
Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic spiritual warfare strategist releasing the love and power of God, to ignite and activate people, release prophetic destinies and deliver people from the bondage of the enemy. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and Be Love Outreach. She is the author of several books, including Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, Identity Invasion, Who is Speaking? and Warfare Declarations. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook, facebook.com/kathydegraw or visit degrawministries.org.
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