Why You Can Be Optimistic About Churches in 2019 These are exciting days to be a church leader and church member. 8:00AM EST 12/20/2018
5 Strategic Questions to Prepare Your Church for 2019 You've probably been working on your plans for 2019 all fall, maybe longer, but now that Christmas is here your focus is understandably diverted. 2:00PM EST 12/19/2018
How a Trip to the Holy Land Changed My Life A visit to Israel will make the Bible turn "from black and white to color." 9:00AM EST 11/25/2018
How to Read the Book of Psalms Like a Bible Scholar Did you know all 150 Psalms tell one big story? 1:00PM EST 11/24/2018
The Unlikely Place Where a Crowd Was Slain in the Spirit It all started with a series of prophetic dreams. 3:00PM EST 11/10/2018
Boost Your Leadership Creativity With These 6 Practices The following is a list of routines or practices that will help you become a more creative leader. 2:00PM EDT 10/18/2018
Why the Best Leaders Are Lifelong Learners I want to challenge you to shift back into drive. 5:00PM EDT 9/14/2018
How to Keep Your Church's Vision From Drifting Proverbs says, "Without a vision, the people perish." You have a lot riding on the vision you communicate to your church. 2:00PM EDT 9/6/2018
Is It Time for Your Church to Die? In my career, I've routinely discovered an obsession with continuing the life of a ministry, even when it's obvious it's time to end it. 2:00PM EDT 8/31/2018
Watch Your Church's Vision Take Root and Spread With These 4 Steps Have you ever tried to cast vision for something and no one joined in? 2:00PM EDT 8/22/2018
7 Questions to Find Your Church's Vision Figuring out your church vision is worth it, because God has great plans for you. 2:00PM EDT 8/21/2018
Why We Need the Shout of Victory Back in the Church When God's people are walking in His victory and under the lordship of Jesus Christ, they will behave like a triumphant crowd. 5:00PM EDT 7/24/2018
9 Sad Reasons Some Pastors Stay Too Long at Their Churches What would you add to this list? 5:00PM EDT 7/18/2018
6 Fresh Steps to Move From Revelation to Activation This question will rock your world. 5:00PM EDT 7/12/2018
4 Necessary Mindsets for Developing Transformational Leadership This is biblical leadership development. 2:00PM EDT 7/12/2018
What to Do Until God Fulfills Your Vision Most Christians know the power of vision. 8:00AM EDT 7/11/2018
Why No One Else Has Your Exact Calling Perhaps one of the most important lessons they learned is that even being Christ's disciple does not extinguish your uniqueness. 5:00PM EDT 6/26/2018
9 Reasons Not to Give in to Your Monday Blues It's easy for us to forget how incredibly helpful the local church is in shaping and benefiting people's lives. 2:00PM EDT 6/25/2018
Pastor, You Have a Global Responsibility There are plenty of avenues for you to fulfill this cultural need. 8:00AM EDT 6/13/2018