You need these traits to pass the baton with success.

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You need these traits to pass the baton with success.
I remind myself of the three P's of ministry that need to remain in the right order.
Every leader needs to face this question. Here's how to know when to call it quits.
I learned one of the greatest lessons about vision in the simplest manner while I was at that church.
If your ministry fits this description, it's time for you to experience a fresh move of God.
The best mentors are those who foster a love of learning in their followers. This is why.
It involves two critical elements.
Once you're over the hurdle, however, the rewards are infinite.
Determine to get to God's throne without the regret of missed opportunities to bring more people into His family.
"You need to ask yourself this question: 'What would I attempt for God if I knew I couldn't fail?'"
Momentum is not a mystery, but here's how to better understand it.
Failure to make the tough choices, when needed, can limit the growth and even viability of our church.
God can and does use small churches in significant ways to advance His Kingdom.
If we attempt to walk in these, we will leave a powerful imprint on the world around us.
For freedom to truly ring from everywhere, it can no longer be done through the dream of one man.
We are in already in a war. Let us enter the fight as fully trained soldiers with the full armor and power of our God.
These trends are relatively easy to predict, but that does not make them less important.
These suggestions will help you better serve your congregation and community.
Remember, the bigger the vision, the easier it is to reach it.
We have the ability, means and capacity to move from glory to glory in a never-ending quest to know more of Him.