As I was praying about how to begin my staff meeting this week, the Lord dropped a phrase in my heart, He said, "Tell your staff that I am still on the throne, and that you are going to make it!"
I opened my staff meeting this morning with those very words, "God is still on the throne, and you are going to make it!"
Hard times are nothing new for the people of God or for anyone who lives this side of heaven's wonder and glory. In every generation, in every century and in every millennium, there have been unrest, pandemics, economic woes and lack of civility. And in every generation, in every century and in every millennium, God has still been on the throne, and He has given His people the power and the strength to make it through whatever is required of them.
Noah heard the voice of God and obeyed in the middle of an evil culture.
Moses was used by God to set his people free from a life of slavery, cruelty and unfair treatment.
Esther saved an entire people group when she determined to fast rather than panic.
Daniel stood firm and made up his mind to serve God rather than blend in with his culture.
David stood up against a fierce giant who spewed ridicule and accusations on the people of God.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego worshipped in the fire rather than bow to the gods of their generation.
Sarah and Abraham believed the promises of God even when it made no sense in the natural.
Hannah refused to stop praying until God gave her a son; her little boy changed the course of the history of the people of God.
Have you seen yourself in this list of world-changing men and women yet? I believe if you haven't identified with one of these heroes or heroines of the faith, perhaps you should go back and read the list again until you find a historic brother or sister.
We are the people of God at this moment in history so, like Hannah, stay on your knees in prayer until your situation changes and your life has been blessed.
Like Sarah and Abraham, continue to believe in the promises of God when there is no reason in the natural to believe. Your choice to believe should take you to miracles that are beyond belief! Believe in spite of your circumstances rather than because of them.
Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego worship no matter how hot the fires of your circumstances become. Worship loudly and dance in the fire of great affliction! There is a fourth man in the fire with you, so you are in good company at the hottest moment of your life!
Like David, stand up against the giant of racism, prejudice and anger. Lead the charge against the giant of bitterness, historic pain and unresolved separatism. This is your moment to chop off the head of discrimination and segregation.
Like Daniel, make up your mind to bow only to the one true God and refuse to allow the lions of the culture to intimidate your reverence for the most-high God.
Like Esther, choose to fast and pray rather than panic at the practices of government or of the media.
Like Moses, ask the Father to use you at your moment in history to set free a people who need a fresh start in life, a new opportunity and a promised land.
And, like Noah, listen for the voice of the Lord and then obey Him one small action at a time.
Ask God to use you just as He did the men and women who have lived before you. It is time for the people of God to stop making excuses that are of no consequence and to make themselves available to change the very course of human history.
This is our moment, my friend. This is our hour to be used in mighty ways by the God who made us.
God is still on the throne, and you are going to make it!
Carol McLeod is an author and popular speaker at women's conferences and retreats, where she teaches the Word of God with great joy and enthusiasm. Carol encourages and empowers women with passionate and practical, biblical messages mixed with her own special brand of hope and humor. Carol has written 11 books, including Significant, StormProof and Guide Your Mind, Guard Your Heart, Grace Your Tongue. Her teaching DVD The Rooms of a Woman's Heart won the Telly Award, a prestigious industry award for excellence in religious programming.
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