Grocery lists are made up of things we intend to buy on our next trip to the grocery store.
The list is made with an intention to buy. Sometimes the list includes brand names like Heinz, Fritos or Coke. The brands may represent a category, but it's fairly certain that the brand is the object of intention to buy.
We know from many years of consumer research that chicken crosses the road to a list only as a commodity. There are many brands of chicken such as Tyson, Pilgrim or Perdue, but it is very rare to find a brand name for chicken on a grocery list.
Chicken is chicken. Chicken is a commodity. There is virtually no brand awareness, loyalty or insistence.
When we consider the marketing of a ministry, book or weekend convention, we must consider the importance of creating a brand.
We must separate ourselves in our customer's mind.
We need a mind position that's better than "me too."
The manner in which we address a customer's felt need is our point of differentiation. Your message is what differentiates you from the pack of commodities.
What is it you do best? How do you help people meet their needs? Do you have certain solutions that are better for specific groups of people?
As you communicate your core message to a specific audience, tell them about how you are different.
Make sure your brand name is on their intend-to-buy list.
PS—If you are studying to improve as a leader, please consider my new book Love Leads. This book is not a list of 27 things a leader must be or do. The book focuses on love as a change agent.
God leads us with love. If I have not love, how then shall I lead?
Check out loveleadsbook.com to pre-order. If you pre-order now, you will receive several free gifts, including videos and downloads.
Dr. Steve Greene is the publisher and executive vice president of the media group at Charisma Media and executive producer of the Charisma Podcast Network. His book, Love Leads: The Spiritual Connection Between Your Relationships and Productivity, is now available.
Leaders, Dr. Greene wants to help you understand the spiritual connection between relationships and productivity. Read his new blog, here.
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Dr. Steve Greene is now sharing stories, teachings, and conversations with guests who lead with love on Love Leads, a new podcast. Listen now.
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