A double-minded leader is unstable in all of his ways.
A leader may claim to lead with the mind of Christ but a carnally minded leader isn't difficult to discern.
The most obvious "tell" of a carnal leader is their focus on personal needs at the expense of others. This leader displays little concern for others. He frequently displays jealousy for what others have and will openly mock the success of others. The carnal leader will habitually compare himself to others.
A carnal leader will display anger toward others at relatively minor issues. Their opinion is the only opinion that matters. They do not seek to understand the views of others. This leader is driven by internal fears, and therefore, needs to control everything and everyone.
There are many descriptions of carnally minded leaders that fill volumes of books. The overarching truth about these leaders is that they are usually quite aware of their behavior and have no desire to change. They believe their way is the right way. Sadly, many also believe they are spiritual leaders.
A spirit-led leader is different in almost every way from a carnal leader. Consider these seven indicators of a spirit-led leader:
1. Displays a continuous flow of gratitude – A grateful leader expresses thanks as a matter of flow. It is not a once-in-a-while thing. Gratitude flows easily because the leader lives in contentment.
2. Believes the best in people and knows there is a reasonable explanation for unusual behavior in others.
3. Welcomes healthy relationships – displays love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. A spirit-led leader regularly displays the fruits of the spirit.
4. Displays a teachable spirit – Humility is displayed in a spirit-led leader by how they remain open to teaching. They are avid readers and can learn from anyone at any time without prejudice.
5. Walks by faith – Evidence of things seen doesn't rattle a spirit-led leader. He knows with an inner peace that God is in control of every situation.
6. Considers the opinions of others but tests and considers the leading of the Holy Spirit above the opinions of man.
7. The name of Jesus is forever on his lips – This leader speaks of the Lord throughout his day. He gives glory to God in his speech and is quick to invoke the name of Jesus in any environment.
People want to be around a spirit-led leader because of what they hear about themselves. A godly leader inspires others to come up higher. The words of a leader give life to hearers. His words aren't meant to tickle the ears of hearers but rather to exhort, correct, encourage and build up.
A spirit-led leader is single-minded about his love for his team.
Today's Scripture
"For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace" (Rom. 8:5-6).
Platform Tip No. 50
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Dr. Steve Greene is the publisher and executive vice president of the media group at Charisma Media and executive producer of the Charisma Podcast Network. His book, Love Leads: The Spiritual Connection Between Your Relationships and Productivity, is now available.
Leaders, Dr. Greene wants to help you understand the spiritual connection between relationships and productivity. Read his new blog, here.
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Dr. Steve Greene is now sharing stories, teachings, and conversations with guests who lead with love on Love Leads, a new podcast. Listen now.
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