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Why the Most Effective Children's Leaders Exemplify These 6 Traits

John Piper Answers Whether Your Congregation's Kids Should Sit in 'Big Church'

Keep These Real-Life Principles in Mind When Leading Change

Like Everyday Teens, Olympic Athletes Crave the Gospel
There are a lot of parallels between communicating with Olympians in Rio and communicating with teenagers in our ministries.

These Millennials Aren't Leaving Church—They're Sparking Revival
It's time for the church to give our young people the opportunity to rise up and do their part.

3 Ways to Minister to Your Students' Parents During the Summer
Make sure that you are using this time wisely and begin to view it as a great time to connect with and minister to parents.

10 Things Pastors Should Know About Generation Z
The trends are early. The demographics are breathtaking. And the signs are, to a large extent, hopeful.

Healthy Student Ministries Are Character Transforming
Don't approach student ministry with a conveyor belt production mentality.

What You Need to Be Teaching Young Men About Sex
Pastors and ministry leaders, this is the right way to do it.

4 Tips to Keep Teens Engaged in Church
Don't allow your younger parishioners lose interest.

What Sets Apart the Kids Who Stay in the Church?
There is no formula for it, but it's not completely unpredictable, either.

Is There Secret Sin at Youth Gatherings?
Are we tacitly encouraging this during our youth group outings?

5 Steps to Crafting a Bold Youth Ministry Vision
How bold is your youth ministry vision? Do you have one?

20 Interesting Facts About Today's Kids Youth Volunteers Need to Know
Look into the lives of today's kids and you'll see interesting facts that are a reflection of their native culture. Here are 20 of them.

6 Ways Millennials Are Educating Their Church Theologically
In recent years, some have noticed a remarkable—and welcomed—return by younger leaders to the fundamentals of the faith, basic theological education, and the deepening of doctrinal roots.

Youth Pastor Equips Students for Revival
Here's how members of a youth group are igniting revival around campuses in Central Florida.

11 Signs Your Church Youth Group Is Really Bad For Your Teenager
Without question, there are certain standards and a level of accountability to which youth groups and youth leaders should be held.

This Generation and the Church: Millennials Respond
A great deal of disheartening statistics surrounds the spiritual climate of Millennials. Here's what that generation is saying about it.