Read why General William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, is quoted as saying that.

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Read why General William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, is quoted as saying that.
Your voice, as a woman in ministry, is a voice that needs to be heard and is able to bring peace to many vicious storms.
Sarah, Esther, Ruth and Mary were all strong women of the Bible. As God's creation, you can make a difference just as they have.
Are you encouraging up-and-coming female leaders in your church? Are you raising them to positions of leadership?
The debate about women in leadership roles in ministry rages on, but who can deny that women bring some things to the table much better than their counterparts?
When the Holy Spirit moved mightily at a recent academic conference, it was a moment no one wanted to see end.
Do you know of a colleague whose wife displays these characteristics? Does yours?
I’ve got to admit—Mother’s Day is one of the most fear eliciting, stress inducing weekends of the year for me. It’s not so much about my ineptness in selecting a gift or honoring the mother of my house—Debbie—although, I’ve messed that up more than once.
No, the trepidation comes from the annual exercise of trying to prepare and deliver a message that navigates the veritable minefield of emotions that women are feeling on that day. You’ve got women who are: moms; want to be moms but haven’t been able to yet; mothers who’ve lost a child; women who’ve lost a mother recently; moms with wayward children; women who have lost their husbands; women who would LIKE to lose their husband; women who would like to find a husband; career moms; stay at home moms, etc. The list goes on.
Editor’s Note: This is the second in a series of articles from Robert Ricciardelli about Women’s Liberation in Christ. Click here for Part 1.
Twisted Scriptures, Twisted Doctrine
When we look for sound doctrine, we must look to the full counsel of God, the full Word of God interpreted through Scriptures that transcend circumstance, culture, and generations. Here are just a few examples of what many have been taught, as well as what the Lord actually says about His daughters.
Ephesians 5:21-22
“And further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. For wives, this means submit to your husbands as to the Lord.”
In God’s Kingdom, women are free to move in His authority to bring about His will upon the earth.
Editor’s Note: This is the first of a two-part series.
I love the gift the Lord has given to the world in His creation called woman. I am so excited about what the Lord is doing in releasing women to fulfill all He has called them to be.
I am passionate to do my part in encouraging both men and women to reexamine all that we have been taught about women, and to align ourselves with what the Father says about His precious daughters.
It was a privilege for me to be able to serve the women of South Africa. It started in East London as I was the Keynote Speaker for the Women’s Aglow National Convention before going on to Johannesburg. It was so wonderful to hear of all the various ministries that the women of Aglow have brought into their communities. They serve in senior centers and orphanages, as well as serving those who are on their deathbeds of aids and other diseases. They support feeding programs and shelters for those in need. Wherever they go, they bring the love of Jesus in a relevant way to the glory of God.
Women by the thousands are flocking to conferences, seeking a fresh touch from God and answers to practical questions affecting their lives and ministries. Are they finding what they need?
My footsteps resounded as I walked down the long, concrete corridor toward the office of the founder and president of Crossroads Christian Communications. With each step came a reason to turn from my mission, but my heart would not allow my feet to stop. This meeting could not be delayed or omitted because of any personal anxiety, for it was fueled with a passion that came from the depth of my spirit.
My passion was to reach women with the good news of the gospel, unite them in their faith, motivate them to rise above an enemy called “average,” and spiritually fuel them to return to their daily lives with new vigor and excitement.
How to avoid destructive conflict in women's ministry
Women by the thousands are flocking to conferences, seeking a fresh touch from God and answers to practical questions affecting their lives and ministries. Are they finding what they need?
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