These signs should give you a favorable impression of a church and its people.

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These signs should give you a favorable impression of a church and its people.
If you've ever been a caregiver, then you know how much of a challenge it can be. If not, you will be blessed by this.
Some follow-ups simply aren't received well.
When a follower decides to leave a church, cause or movement, it's almost always because one of these three promises has been broken.
Sadly these days, this has become a necessity.
As followers of Jesus, we have an opportunity to be different in the workplace.
The Word is filled with examples of where the Lord surprised His people in big ways.
First Peter 2:17 answers that question adamantly.
Will you invite someone you to know to church at Christmastime? It might make a bigger difference in their lives than you think.
And make no mistake; they are silly.
They want to serve. Just ask them.
As pastors, we've heard it all. Or have we?
The difference between the two may be more complex than you think.
Pastors are constantly blessing the lives of their congregation. Don't forget that the Bible expects the congregation to also be a blessing to the life of the pastor.
How can the small groups in your church become the effective evangelism tools that God wants them to become?
A recent family trip to the Big Apple brought about some pleasant—some might say godly—changes from the past.
This past month, the U.S. government reported a seven-year-low in unemployment. Like an economist analyzing an economic report, we need to selectively filter information in our ministry.
As if the first 10 were not enough.
These are almost no-brainers. Can you think of more?
Here's why this fruit of the Spirit should be cultivated every day.