After 58 years in ministry, the evangelist is still going strong and mentoring the next generation.

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After 58 years in ministry, the evangelist is still going strong and mentoring the next generation.
At some point, everyone moves on. How will you leave things for your successor?
The church has these distinct advantages over the efforts of business and government.
These are important kingdom principles James William Davis handed down to his sons.
Does anyone really remember King Jerhoram?
During this Father's Day week, the co-founder of the Billion Soul Network reflects upon his dad's impact on his life and the kingdom.
The son of TBN Co-Founders Paul and Jan Crouch says the Crouch family and Christian television will carry on into the future God's way.
The Right Reverend David Conner, the Queen's pastor, accepted the special Bible on behalf of the Queen.
The quiet witness of his father led Roy Stockstill to faith in Christ.
"What an incredible role model of a man who loved his God, his family, his church, and his country."
Navigating times of transition can sometimes be difficult. Here are some stories of senior pastors who transitioned to broader ministry.
Will your church remain faithful to the end and participate in the remnant church?
After traveling as a missionary for several years, Sumrall became a full-time employee with LeSEA Broadcasting in 1973.
The father of Dr. Mark Rutland, who went home to be with the Lord last week, was a patriotic veteran, a devoted family man and, above all, a faithful servant of Christ.
If you want to hang around for more than just a while, check out these suggestions.
When it's your time to go, will others remember you in the same manner they remember my dad?
How God has led some pastors out of the pulpit into significant ministry opportunity.
If you've ever doubted your calling to ministry, consider this thought from Rick Warren.
"Dr. Taylor was a theological giant who will be greatly missed."
Don Meyer, president of the University of Valley Forge, shares some insight of how Robert Schuller, who passed away last week, impacted his life and ministry.
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