The heartbreak can be avoided.

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The heartbreak can be avoided.
Media and preschoolers don't always mix. These suggestions will help you minister to them.
Start where you are, with what you have, and do what works for your church.
Can your Vacation Bible School do more than leads kids to Christ? I think it can.
Most churches certainly couldn't do without them.
Our role as kids ministry leaders and volunteers is to introduce kids and families to the One who came to clean up the mess.
Formula-driven children's ministry has dominated the modern church. Often as a result, many curriculum developers have limited rather than empowered what children are expected to do in ministry.
Every year, more than 25,000 churches host VBS and more than 3 million people experience it. Here are four reasons so many people participate in VBS every year.
Sadly, many never find a deeper connection as kids that created in them a desire to continually go deeper with God as adults.
Here are some practical tips.
Here also are some things you can do about it.
In this fallen world, bringing children up in the fear and nurture of the Lord to become faithful disciples of Jesus Christ will not happen easily, naturally or accidentally.
While we may wish we didn't have to talk about terrorist acts with our innocent kids, it's a necessity.
Children and students are part of the church now, and we'll lose them if we don't minister well to them today.
What captures kids' attention shapes their worldview and their future. We've obviously got a job to do.
Why do so many preachers' kids resent the ministry? Why do so many discredit the ministry of their parents?
For some kids, the steps toward salvation are clear. For others, there some things to consider.
Do you know the difference between lag measures and lead measures? You might want to find out if you want to have a successful children's ministry.
These seven obstacles to your teens sharing their faith can be removed if you are willing to prayerfully and persistently make evangelism a youth-group-wide priority, as well as one in your own life.
This church in Alabama has got it going, and God's blessing it with tremendous growth and an incredible children's ministry.