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Would others consider you a boss or a leader?

Are You a Boss or a Leader?

Get honest with yourself and check your heart against these 8 distinctions between bosses and leaders.

Here are some ideas on how you can lead a physically, emotionally and relationally healthy church.

Is Your Church Sick?

Do you take the time to consider the emotional, mental, physical and relational health of the people you serve?

Are organization and structure important to you?

Does God Care About Organization?

Churches with a simple strategy are vibrant and growing. Here's why complex churches, are struggling and anemic.

Are you trying to play the part of 'Super Pastor?'

Stop Trying to Be a Super Leader

Pastors, what are some boundaries you have placed on your time, life and career to protect your health, life and marriage? Is this something you struggle with?

Fearful pastor

How to Avoid Being a Wimpy Leader

If you find yourself falling into that category, what can you do to change your circumstances? How can you confront your fears head-on?

Defensiveness can kill confidence in your leadership.

3 Things That Kill Church Leadership

Leaders are held to a certain standard when it comes to character. Here are some traits that can hurt public confidence in a leader.