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Steve Hill

Steve Hill Passes Away After Miraculous Life

Perhaps best known as the evangelist for the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Fla., evangelist and pastor Steve Hill went home to be with the Lord on Sunday.

Small airplane

Small Churches Can Take Off and Fly

Remember how the Wright brothers started off small? You've got hopes and dreams for your church and your ministry, and here's how God will help you see them through.


3 Pillars of a Strong, Dynamic Ministry

Every church needs to be led by a pastor with a strong ecclesiology—a strong theology of church and mission. Here are some strategies to develop a strong, healthy, balanced ministry.

Wounded leader

Thom Rainer: Pastors and Mental Health

Just like members of their congregations, pastors also struggle with the challenge of depression. Here are some of the issues, and here are some ways to get help.


5 Vital Principles About Vision

There is nothing like seeing a vision that God has placed into your heart realized. Read why God has the final word on your vision—always.

Charisma Leader — Serving and empowering church leaders