5 Ways Communications Teams Can Generate Visitors to Your Church

Stop assuming what you see at face value is the truth.
Sometimes as leaders, you must stifle your responses to foster a culture of creativity within volunteers and staff.
How does your church handle this?
In the final installment of a six-part series, LifeWay Research takes a look at how churches have turned a corner with the help of the Transformational Church Assessment Tool.
Do some of these things prevent your church from having a meaningful worship service?
The executive pastor at 12Stone Church in Georgia shares his secrets on how to be a solid communicator.
Regardless of their non-belief, Christians shouldn't just blow off the atheists as if they have nothing worth saying. Here's why.
Here are some tips that might make communicating a bit easier for you and a bit more enjoyable for those listening.
Here are some suggestions that can help ministerial leaders grow as communicators.
Ministry leaders, how does this resonate with you? What would you add to the list?
Change is always difficult, but there doesn't need to be chaos. Here are some ways to communicate to the church body about staff changes.
Heresies in the church are more prevalent than you might think. Here are a few to look for.
Find out one of the major reasons why people avoid church and why the number of your audience members may be less than desirable.
If your church doesn’t have a presence on Facebook, you are overlooking an effective communication tool for engaging members and potential visitors.
More than 1 billion people are now part of this social media phenomenon. With so many people already connecting on Facebook, it’s an easy way for your church to stay in touch with your congregation and reach out to your community.
It’s easy to create a page on Facebook.
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New York Man Who Lost Leg in Crucifix Mishap Sues Church
During a Sunday worship service, a gunman walked unnoticed into a church in a small town in the Midwest. Inside the sanctuary, he shot and killed the pastor. For weeks, TV crews, photographers and reporters camped out in the small town as the church leaders and congregation struggled to deal with their loss and personal trauma of the tragedy.
Faulty wiring ignited a fire that burned down a 100-year-old church in the suburbs of a large metropolitan area. No one was injured, but the congregation was left without a permanent facility where they could worship and carry out their ministry.
The respected pastor of an urban megachurch confessed to an extramarital affair and stepped down from his leadership role, leaving the congregation and church leaders to face the consequences of his moral failure.
It was the middle of a Sunday service. The music was done, and I got up to pray.
Suddenly, from my right a woman rushed at the pulpit, ran up the stairs, screamed something, threw a book at me and started back down the aisle. I paused for a moment in mid-prayer, taking in the situation.
Almost every church faces it from time to time. How do you handle those individuals that aren’t quite right?