- 1. The Supernatural Church of Love and Power
- ... en a blessing to you, don't forget to subscribe to our Holy Fire Ministries YouTube channel under the playlist HEARTBURN to receive more of this kind of fresh manna via video. Bert Farias' books are ...
- Created on 03 August 2021
- 2. In Today's Progressive Culture, Are You a Thermometer or a Thermostat?
- ... ersecution shall be greater. Bert Farias' books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and turning away from t ...
- Created on 23 February 2021
- 3. Will the Real Christmas Jesus Please Stand Up?
- Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. In reality. In power. In intimacy. When we see Jesus as He is, glorious and worthy of our deepest loyalties and affections, deserving of our total focus and supreme attention; we will ...
- Created on 13 December 2018
- 4. Thanksgiving Includes a Love for America
- Thanksgiving is actually critical theme to a spiritual awakening in America. This part of our foundation is specifically Christian, and it is uniquely patriotic. No other nation in the world has a day ...
- Created on 19 November 2018
- 5. Moving Into a Higher Dimension of Faith, Love and Power
- In a recent private prayer session, the Spirit of God directed us to Scriptures on evil spirits and prayer and fasting. The root of man's rebellion against God is that people cannot see, for they have ...
- Created on 08 November 2018
- 6. Jesus to the American Church: Meet the Conditions and You'll See My Power
- In December 2001, Sheikh Ahmad al Qataani, a leading Saudi cleric, appeared on a live interview on Al-Jazeera satellite television to confirm that Muslims were turning to Jesus in alarming numbers. "Every ...
- Created on 20 September 2018
- 7. Pay Attention to Your Heart, but Be Led by the Spirit
- It was lunchtime. He was hungry. But instead of eating, he went up on the housetop to pray. Why? Because he had a burden. Those who know of this account in Acts 1, know we are speaking of the apostle Peter. ...
- Created on 19 July 2018
- 8. The Church Must Move From the Right Wing and Left Wing Into the Radical Middle
- I've often wondered how some groups of people can live a lie so full of zeal, devotion and commitment while many in the church live the truth so poorly, purposeless and with little zeal and commitment. ...
- Created on 05 July 2018
- 9. Is Your Church Flirting With Delilah?
- A happy church ... one that doesn't make you feel uncomfortable ... one that will never offend you ... one that will always tell you how much they love you and how much God loves you. They change their ...
- Created on 31 May 2018
- 10. The Call for True Apostles and Prophets
- When was the last time, if ever in your lifetime, you have witnessed true apostolic and prophetic authority that manifests in rebuke and reproof? Such as this: "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart ...
- Created on 04 May 2018
- 11. The Virgin and the Harlot: Which Church Are You Part Of?
- Our nation is divided. The church is divided. While secularism, humanism, darkness and pure evil continues to rise in the nation, sexual immorality, worldliness, financial corruption, gross doctrinal error, ...
- Created on 05 April 2018
- 12. It's Time to Preach More on Heaven and Hell
- "Doubtless it is not profitable for me to boast. So I will move on to visions and revelations of the Lord. I knew a man in Christ over fourteen years ago—whether in the body or out of the body I cannot ...
- Created on 21 March 2018
- 13. All That's Wrong With the New Hollywood Film on the 'No Hell' Preacher
- Charisma magazine writes, "At one point, Bishop Carlton Pearson pastored Higher Dimensions Family Church, a Pentecostal megachurch of over 5,000 people in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was mentored by Oral Roberts ...
- Created on 01 March 2018
- 14. A Word to Preachers: Are You Ready for the Storm?
- A storm is coming. The torrential rains shall fall. The waters shall rise. The floods shall sweep away all wood, hay and stubble. The violent winds will blow away all that was built irresponsibly. Are ...
- Created on 04 January 2018
- 15. The Absence of The Fear of the Lord Is Causing Too Many People to Drift
- I remember as a child, learning to float on my back in the water at a beach we frequented in the summertime. After floating for a few minutes I'd look around and realize I had drifted quite a distance ...
- Created on 21 December 2017
- 16. Much of the Western Church Is Serving Another Jesus
- Are you serving the real Jesus or a Western version made in your own image? That's quite a compelling question, isn't it? It's kind of like asking how much of Christ is in your Christianity. Take Christmas, ...
- Created on 07 December 2017
- 17. Discerning 2 Extremes in the Church Today
- We've got a whole new generation coming up that knows so little of the Word of God. Pastors have got to do more teaching now than ever before. And yet, with it, they must also have the move of the Holy ...
- Created on 15 December 2015
- 18. 1 Big Reason Spiritual People Are Leaving Churches
- ... reets, and in homes. He and his wife also host The Holy Ghost Forum—a school of the Spirit. Follow him at Bert Farias and Holy Fire Ministries on Facebook or @Bertfarias1 on Twitter. ...
- Created on 26 June 2015